A Friend's Invitation
By Shanell Davis
Hello, my name is Shanell. I was invited to the UCAN MLK Project through a friend and co-worker, Lucille Patterson.
When I arrived at the location, it was very cold. Mrs. Patterson and other helpers had snacks, fresh fruits, water, coffee, and energy drinks. Then, Mrs. Patterson encouraged me to go look at the area where they were going to start gardening. The area looked big and spacious. When I returned to the area where she was; I helped her at the registration table. The volunteers were coming despite the cold weather. We had other curious drivers passing along stopping every once and while asking, “What are you guys doing today?” Mrs. Patterson and other helpers answered with glee saying, “We are building a community gardening!”
Once all the volunteers arrived, Mrs. Patterson and I headed to the community area. My job was to take photos of the volunteers working and the area. As I was taking photos, I saw the different houses and I asked ,“What are the houses used for?” Mrs. Patterson and one of the helpers said “We are going to call one of them “The Mill House.” Then, I took photos of the volunteers putting together the beds for the vegetables, piling up the wood that cut down, trimming and cutting down the twigs that were piled up in one area, and digging holes in the ground. The volunteers and helpers were so happy working on the community garden.
I really enjoyed coming out and taking photos and helping out in any way I could. At the end of the day, we took a group photo together and with the work that we got done today.
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